Easy recipes

Recipe of Super Quick Light and Delicious Eel Chirashi Sushi

Recipe of Super Quick Light and Delicious Eel Chirashi Sushi
Recipe of Super Quick Light and Delicious Eel Chirashi Sushi

Hello everybody, I hope you are having an amazing day. Today I will show you a way to make a special dish, Light and Delicious Eel Chirashi Sushi. This is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i will make it a little bit tasty. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Light and Delicious Eel Chirashi Sushi Recipe. It's easy, healthy, delicious and perfect for the summer. #chirashisushi. Chirashi Sushi, also called "Scattered Sushi" is a very popular at home, convenient way of eating Sushi.

You can have Light and Delicious Eel Chirashi Sushi using 6 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Light and Delicious Eel Chirashi Sushi

  1. It’s 480 ml of Sushi rice (refer to Steps 4 and 5 of.
  2. It’s 1 of Broiled eel with sauce.
  3. It’s 2 of Cucumber.
  4. Make ready 1 of Salt.
  5. Make ready 5 of leaves Shiso leaves.
  6. Prepare 1 of White sesame seeds.

When buying seafood, please buy sushi-quality fish at your local Asian market and make sure it is the freshest quality.Scattered Sushi (Chirashi Sushi) is often made for special occasions such as Doll Festival and birthdays.This beautifully arranged sushi is the easiest of all the sushi dishes.Prepare the toppings of your choice, scatter them on sushi rice, and voila!

Light and Delicious Eel Chirashi Sushi step by step

  1. Prepare the vinegar-seasoned sushi rice (refer to Steps 4 and 5 in. Finely slice the cucumbers, rub with salt, and squeeze out the liquid. Cut the eel into small pieces. Julienne the shiso leaves.


  1. Mix the eel with the vinegared sushi rice. Scatter the cucumber, shiso leaves, and white sesame on top..
  2. For Basic Eel Sauce, refer to. This convenient sauce can be used in lots of different recipes.


  1. Pressed Eel Sushi


Sushi Party Diy Sushi Sushi Sushi Fried Sushi Nigiri Sushi Sushi Bowl Sushi Chef Seafood Recipes Cooking Recipes.Eel Sushi Sauce Recipes Cooking Recipes Sushi Soy Sauce Recipe Eel Sauce This Ahi Tuna Poke Bowl recipe is so easy to make at home!Traditionally sushi rice is used, and chirashi rice contains more rice vinegar than is used in sushi maki rolls and nigiri.

My Scattered Sushi toppings are easy to prepare.Chirashi Sushi (Chirashizushi) is a kind of Sushi dish with thinly sliced Sashimi raw fish placed over a bed of Sushi Rice, instead of single pieces (Nigiri Sushi) or rolls (Maki Sushi).Chirashi Sushi is sometimes mixed up with Barazushi which doesn't contain much raw fish other than decoration.Japanese crab chirashi sushi with cooked egg and kaiware daikon sprouts can be made quickly and is great for parties and potlucks.What you'l love most about this recipe, however, is how quickly and easily you can make a delicious plate of chirashi sushi!