
Recipe of Super Quick Deep-Fried Sardine and Peanut Butter Rolls

Recipe of Super Quick Deep-Fried Sardine and Peanut Butter Rolls
Recipe of Super Quick Deep-Fried Sardine and Peanut Butter Rolls

Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe page. Today I will show you a way to prepare a distinctive dish, Deep-Fried Sardine and Peanut Butter Rolls. It is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i’am gonna make it a little bit tasty. This will be really delicious.

Deep-Fried Sardine and Peanut Butter Rolls Recipe.

You can cook Deep-Fried Sardine and Peanut Butter Rolls using 6 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Deep-Fried Sardine and Peanut Butter Rolls

  1. Make ready 5 of Sardines.
  2. It’s 32 grams of Peanut butter.
  3. Prepare 2 tbsp of ◎Bread flour.
  4. You need 40 ml of ◎Cold water.
  5. You need 1 dash of Salt.
  6. Make ready 1 of Frying oil.

Deep-Fried Sardine and Peanut Butter Rolls step by step

  1. I used Skippy's super crunchy peanut butter this time..
  2. Rub off the scales carefully with your fingers, wash the sardines, and cut off the heads. The sardine scales come off easily, so you can remove them with your fingers..
  3. Make a cut down the belly and remove the innards under running water to clean the inside..
  4. Fillet the fish by moving the knife along the backbone from the head to the tail..
  5. Remove the inedible parts, bones, and skin from one of the fillets..
  6. Do the same as Step 4 with the other fillet. Even if you don't remove the small bones, you will be able to eat them after deep-frying..
  7. Lightly sprinkle with salt, and let it sit for about 5 minutes..
  8. Spread the peanut butter on 2/3 of the surface, spreading towards the head area..
  9. Roll it up from the head area, and secure with a toothpick..
  10. Mix the ◎ ingredients to make the batter, and dip the sardines in it..
  11. Deep-fry in oil at 170℃. Please be careful not to burn it. When you raise the oil temperature a little bit at the end, it makes the roll more crispy..
  12. Drain the excess oil, remove the toothpick, serve on a plate, and done!.