Recipe of Speedy An Osaka Aunties' Okonomiyaki

Recipe of Speedy An Osaka Aunties' Okonomiyaki
Recipe of Speedy An Osaka Aunties' Okonomiyaki

An Osaka Aunties' Okonomiyaki Recipe. How to prepare it? What are the ingredients? Cooking tips and more… It is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i will make it a little bit tasty.

Here is the best “An Osaka Aunties' Okonomiyaki” recipe we have found until now. This is gonna really delicious.

Ingredients of An Osaka Aunties' Okonomiyaki

  1. Take 4 of Eggs.
  2. Prepare 1/2 of Cabbage.
  3. Take 2 1/2 cup of White flour.
  4. You need 300 ml of Japanese dashi stock.
  5. Take 200 ml of Nagaimo yam.
  6. It’s 50 grams of Squid (tentacles, etc.).
  7. You need 200 grams of Thinly sliced pork belly.
  8. It’s 100 ml of Green onion.
  9. Make ready 3 tbsp of Tempura crumbs.
  10. Make ready 2 tbsp of Beni-shoga red pickled ginger.
  11. Prepare 2 tbsp of Dried shrimp.
  12. It’s of Toppings:.
  13. Take 1 of Okonomiyaki sauce.
  14. Take 1 of Mayonnaise.
  15. Prepare 1 of Bonito flakes.
  16. It’s 1 of Aonori.

An Osaka Aunties' Okonomiyaki step by step

  1. Whisk the eggs, add the flour, dashi soup stock, Japanese yams, and mix. Add finely chopped cabbage and green onions and squid cut into large bite-sized bits. Mix all of the ingredients aside from the pork belly meat until it all sticks together..
  2. Spread out the batter on an electric griddle preheated to high heat, making sure it is not too thick, and lay the pork belly meat cut into large bite-sized pieces on top..
  3. Flip over once it has turned golden brown, and cook until the pork belly meat has become crunchy..
  4. Flip over once more, cook each side until crunchy in the pork belly grease, and then you are done..